Paying Rent

Rent is due the first day of every month and late after the seventh. If the seventh of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, the rent will be due on the first business day thereafter. Rent will only be received in-person in the form of a check or money order or online via check or card.

Public Housing residents can review their account balance and pay rent online. To get started register using the button below. You will need your unique registration code to complete this process.

Register your account

Access an existing account

There are service fees to pay online. These fees are charged by the third party processing company.

If the tenant fails to make payment by the due date, a late fee of $35.00 will be charged.

Read the Public Housing UA Study and Survey 2024 published October 2024 for 2025.

2025 Flat Rents and Utility Allowances *Effective January 1, 2025
Property # Bedrooms  $ Flat Rent  $ Utility Allowances
Towers & Southside Terrace 0 $792 NA
1 $842 NA
2 $1,009 NA
3 $1,340 NA
4 $1,491 NA
5 $1,715 NA
6 $1,938 NA
7 $2,162 NA
SCSE, SCSW, SCNE, SCNW 2 $810 $199
(Scattered Site Houses/Duplexes) 3 $1,117 $223
4 $1,247 $244
5 $1,455 $260
Scattered SCNW (Exceptions) 3 $1,057 $283
3 $1,095 $245
Scattered SCSW (Exception) 3 $1,057 $283
4 $1,171 $320
Frances Court (SCSE) 2 $811 $198
3 $1,123 $217
Cherry Tree Apartments (SCNW)  1 $776 $66
2 $935 $74
3, 4 & 6- Plex (SCNE & SCNW) 1 $744 $98
2 $896 $113
3 $1,123 $217
Alamo Apartments (SCNE) 1 $746 $96
2 $901 $108
Keystone Crown Creek 2 $810 $199
3 $1,117 $223
4 $1,247 $244
Crown I & Crown II 3 $1,117 $223
Bayview Apartments 3 $1,202 $138
Farnam Building Apartments 2 $901 $108
3 $1,202 $138
Chambers Court 2 $879 $130
3 $1,176 $164
4 $1,315 $176
North Omaha Affordable Homes 3 $1,117 $223
4 $1,247 $244
Park Villa 2 $896 $113
3 $1,219 $121


2025 Flat Rents and Utility Allowances *Effective March 1, 2025

Property # Bedrooms  $ Flat Rent  $ Utility Allowances
Towers & Southside Terrace 0 $792 NA
1 $842 NA
2 $1,009 NA
3 $1,340 NA
4 $1,491 NA
5 $1,715 NA
6 $1,938 NA
7 $2,162 NA
SCSE, SCSW, SCNE, SCNW 2 $810 $199
(Scattered Site Houses/Duplexes) 3 $1,116 $224
4 $1,245 $246
5 $1,454 $261
Scattered SCNW (Exceptions) 3 $1,035 $305
3 $1,093. $247
Scattered SCSW (Exception) 3 $1,035 $305
4 $1,143 $348
Frances Court (SCSE) 2 $811 $198
3 $1,122 $218
Cherry Tree Apartments (SCNW)  1 $774 $68
2 $933 $76
3, 4 & 6- Plex (SCNE & SCNW) 1 $743 $99
2 $896 $113
3 $1,122 $218
Alamo Apartments (SCNE) 1 $745 $97
2 $900 $109
Keystone Crown Creek 2 $810 $199
3 $1,116 $224
4 $1,245 $246
Crown I & Crown II 3 $1,116 $224
Bayview Apartments 3 $1,203 $137
Farnam Building Apartments 2 $900 $109
3 $1,203 $137
Chambers Court 2 $873 $136
3 $1,163 $177
4 $1,299 $192
North Omaha Affordable Homes 3 $1,116 $224
4 $1,245 $246
Park Villa 2 $896 $113
3 $1,219 $121